Project Wierkieker

Project Wirekieker by team Mythical

For the past 18 weeks, I have worked on a project for the Twickel estate in Delden. The goal of the project is to revive and highlight the rich history and mythology in Twente that is slowly disappearing. To do this we made a mixed-reality game where you are sent on a quest to solve a mystery around the Twickel estate. It features real stories and myths from the area. In the game, you are set to solve the mystery of who betrayed Nicolaas Bohmer, an important historical figure who lived in Delden in the 18th century. The project is not finished yet but will continue development and is expected to release in full around the end of 2024.

Task list.

  • Narrative design
    • Researching
    • Documenting 
    • Planning story 
    • Writing dialogue
  • Concept design
  • General design
  • Puzzle design
  • Implementation
  • Sound design

Narrative design

I was responsible for the narrative for this project. I did extensive research on the story’s subject, characters, locations and time period which I used to make a planning for the story. I then wrote the dialogue for the game in Archweave and later implemented it into Untity. 

Gameplay, puzzle and AR scene design

During the project I worked on two big AR scenes. I designed the scenes and puzzle and imported the assets into Unity. On the left you can see the designs I made and on the right you can see the final results

AR scene 1 Dungeon

AR scene 2 Northmill 

Storyteller concept

I also made another puzzle concept in the game that is based on Netflix’s storyteller game. You use your camera to capture parts of a puzzle that will complete a memory and tell a story. You can check the concept I made for it here:

Final version with UI from our UI designer

Design documentation

Design thinking document

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Game Design Document

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